Terms & Conditions
FIRES, are permitted only in facilities provided for this purpose. This is necessary to prevent disastrous fires. Portable stoves may be used in designated areas. It is the responsibility of every visitor to use extreme caution with any burning materials, including tobacco. All fireworks are prohibited.
ANIMALS, including cats, cannot be turned loose in park. All animals must be under immediate physical control. Dogs must be on a tended leash no more than 10 feet or confined in an enclosed vehicle, tent or pen. Unless posted to the contrary. Visitors with vicious, dangerous, noisy, or disturbing animals will be ejected from park.
NOISE - ENGINE DRIVEN ELECTRIC GENERATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED *AT ALL, unless electricity is out of service. Loud disturbing noise is prohibited at all times, and is disturbing those asleep between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Quiet time is from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am. Early and late check-in/check-out is available for an additional fee.
ALL VEHICLE TRAVEL must be confined to designated roads or areas. The speed for all vehicles is 5 miles per hour in camp, picnic, utility or headquarters areas and areas of general assemblage. Parking is permitted only in designated areas. Blocking parking spaces is prohibited.
CAMPSITE USE must be paid for in advance. To hold a campsite, it must be reserved or occupied. To prevent encroachment on others the limits of each campsite may be regulated by management. Checkout time is 12:00 NOON. In order to provide for the greatest number of visitors possible the CAMPING LIMIT in any one campground is one week per month.
REFUSE, including garbage, cigarettes, paper boxes, bottles, ashes and other rubbish, shall be placed only in designated receptacles. We appreciate your consideration for the grounds and other guests.
PLEASE, do not leave food out after dark. Wildlife is afoot, and NOT scared of people.
Thank you,
Sands RV-Park